Patient History Form
Appointment Hints
These can help us to more efficiently serve you and your pet:
- It is very helpful if you arrive on time or a few minutes early for your appointment. The nature of this business is that we see all kinds of unpredictable emergencies. We do make every effort to honor scheduled appointments the best we can. Arriving just a few minutes late will put any emergencies waiting into your appointment slot.
- Please bring: An empty bag of food and treats or a photo of the nutritional information on the packages. The bottles of current medications and supplements, or a list of meds and doses. Previous vaccine records and a copy of the medical history for new patients. A fecal sample puppies , kittens or for sick pets (problems urinating, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)
- We may need to collect a urine or stool sample from a sick animal. Please do not walk your pet in the yard at the clinic before coming inside.
- It may be helpful to take a video of your pet’s problem (i.e. limping, coughing, seizure activity…).
IMPORTANT! New Clients, we need your contact information! Click HERE to fill out the “Owner Information” form.
Current clients may use the same form to update their contact information if any of it has changed recently.